Using Blocks in Ruby

Ruby, Blocks, DSL

Today I was fortunate enough to be able to spend some time learning about the intricacies of blocks in Ruby. I am hoping to ramp up from basic to more complex ideas around blocks in this post so that all skill levels can benefit.

Blocks at first seem...

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Vim Cheatsheet

Vim, Cheatsheet

I’ve really enjoyed integrating vim into my workflow and value learning everything that it has to offer. As I continue to grow I will update this to include helpful tips that don’t warrant its own post.

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Markdown Cheatsheet

Markdown, Cheatsheet, Middleman

This is a Markdown cheatsheet that I pulled from this github page in order to help me understand and visually see how my blog will render Markdown. I’m used to the Github-flavored markdown in most of my repositories so this post helped me discover what my blog was rendering markdown. I accomplished most of this by using the redcarpet gem and configuring it in my config.rb. As my blog grows and changes over time I will use this post as a reference and a regression test that my site is still functioning properly. Feel free to use this as a reference to see what my blog is currently capable of.

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